Not all projects are created equally. Having a clear understanding about what makes for a successful, lucrative project can make or break a writing career.
In this training, I cover the following areas in detail:
The 7 Secrets of Perfect Project Planning
- Idea
- Plan
- Produce
- Market
- Repurpose
- Package
- Teach
Learn exactly how to plan projects, so you can reach your goals and make your dreams reality!
Whether you want to create more, sell more, reach more readers, or a combination of all three, you’ll be set.
Have you ever noticed that while we each get the same amount of time every day, there are people who seem to get far more done than others? Unbelievable productivity is one of the things I’ve become known for, and I’ll share my secrets to doing more in less time with better results.
In this training, I cover the following areas in detail:
The 5 Secrets of Time Management
- Assessing Time – for Real
- Productivity vs. Busywork
- Identifying & Avoiding Time Vacuums
- Working Smarter Not Longer
- Planning Your Perfect Workday
Get ready to do more in less time, and be poised to become one of the super-productive people others talk about!
Say goodbye to feeling as if there aren’t enough hours in the day
to get what you need to done.
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