NOW THAT WE'VE GOT 2021 BUSINESS GOALS SET, it's time to put them to the test.
If you completed your homework from last time, that means you've determined your 2021 business goals, and you'v brainstormed how you plan to meet those goals – good work!
For now, though, I want you to SET THEM ASIDE, so we can focus on the rest of THIS year.
What's important to note for now about the plans you made for 2021 is how you intend to take into account any choices you have to make to overcome the challenges you anticipate you'll face.
Planning the end of the year AND implementing THOSE intentions is an excellent way to test things in a real-world scenario, so you can be sure you make any needed adjustments BEFORE we jump into 2021.
I always create a set of special offers for the Black Friday to Cyber Monday sales that people look forward to, and it's THAT set of offers that boosts my bottom line as the year wraps up.
Now, I will say that for the past few years, I've noticed more and more people holding “Black Friday” sales in advance of Black Friday, and it kind of annoys me because it's beginning to feel like the online version of brick and mortar retailers who start throwing Christmas sales earlier and earlier each year.
It's the reason we now have in-person shoppers crowding stores on THANKSGIVING instead of it all going mad starting the next day (Black Friday) – though with COVID-19, what will happen this year is going to be interesting…and probably super-spreader dangerous…but I'll just ignore that as we're talking online stuff here!
In terms of the online stuff, I feel as if the Pre-Black Friday push is a weirdly desperate attempt to get people to bust their Black Friday budgets before the day actually arrives, and I rather hate the pressure that puts on consumers who will have to deal with FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) if they don't spend early versus getting to take a look at all the BF to CM offers and choose what's best for their particular needs.
These issues, by the way, are part of what we all need to consider (and potentially adjust to) as we plan our end-of-year activities!
Personally, I've decided to stick to the traditional Black Friday to Cyber Monday plan, ignore the craziness that comes early, and trust that my customers are willing to wait for what I have to offer if it fits their needs.
I will be showing some teasers to allow my customers to get a feel for what I'll be offering, so they have some sense of what to choose knowing those other offers WILL be out there early.
You need to make the end-of-year sale decision for yourself, so take some time, make a choice, and then stick with it. (You can always revisit your decision next year, but holding fast NOW will ensure you have a plan that's solid.)
I'll be moving forward here with holding a BF to CM sale in mind…
Decide WHAT you'd like to put together for your end-of-year sale, and then determine WHEN you'll hold it.
The degree of complexity in what you offer should be based on your experience, and the one thing you do NOT want to do is to overplay what you can put together!
I like to have one new offer funnel that contains a main offer, one upsell, and one downsell.
I also like to bundle at least ONE thing, for example, I'll very likely bundle 10 or so of the 60+ bonus offers I've created in the past year into one big product.
Please know that all you need is ONE offer to get into the habit of setting goals, planning to reach them, and making adjustments to ensure success, but making a commitment to do this ONE THING before the end of the year is really the only way to test the process for YOU in a real-world setting, to ensure you can make the necessary adjustments to head into 2021 with the best possible plan to profit. 🙂
Breaking Down Your End-of-Year Plan into Actionable Steps
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